WHAT IS Interactive Metronome® (IM)?
The Interactive Metronome® (IM) combines the concept of a musical metronome with a patented technology computerized program that accurately measures, assesses, and improves a person’s rhythm and timing.
Interactive Metronome Highlights
- Highly technical application of high intensity frequency of repetitions into the neural system
- Advanced research available in the areas of sensory, motor, speech and academic function
- Advanced, replicated research in sports, such as golf.
- Treat children and adults with difficulties related to motor planning, sequencing, and auditory attention.
- Temporal timing is considered to be at a level of high integration, and best applicable after foundations of incoming processing has been improved to ensure a good “hold” on the clinical and functional changes.
Interactive Metronome® in action

How does the Interactive Metronome® (IM) work?
Thirteen different hand and foot exercises are performed while auditory guide tones direct the individual to match the metronome beat. The IM program analyzes the accuracy of each tap as it happens and instantaneously creates a sound that the trainee hears in the headphones.
The difference between the individual’s response and the computer-generated beat is measured in milliseconds (ms.) and a score is provided. A low ms. score indicates improved timing and overall performance. The program consists of 10, 12 or 15 one-hour sessions, which can be completed in 3 to 5 weeks. Additional sessions may be necessary and is decided through an individualized protocol.
Please contact Louise at louise@atotalapproach.com to for any queries and payment plans.
Please note In order to purchase this unit, the practitioner would have to had undergone either a one day live training or online training through www.interactivemetronome.com
Once a practitioner has purchased the central unit, you can also access IM Home training through www.interactivemetronome.com and access a coaching code that will enable you to provide IM Coaching at home.
Families can purchase the IM-Home if they provide the name and coaching code of their provider who would assist them in an individualized program through the internet based E-clinic.
Please see the products below:
IM Stations

IM Pro MCU, 100 Hours, Wireless Button Trigger (2), Wireless Tap Mat (2), USB Cable, Headphones (2), Large Hand Glove (2), Small Hand Glove (2), CR2032 Coin Battery (2), Y-Connector, IM Pro 9.0 Software Download, Marketing Package, FREE IM-Home® Demo Unit*
IM Pro Universe Complete Package – 100 Hrs Preloaded
Includes: IM Pro MCU, 100 Hrs, Wireless Button Trigger (2), Wireless Tap Mat (2), USB Cable, Headphones (2), Large Hand Glove (2), Small Hand Glove(2), In-Motion® Trigger Transmitter (2), In-Motion® Insoles (10), Wireless Headphone, Portable Speaker, CR2032 Coin Battery (6), Y-Connector, IM Pro 9.0 Software Download, Market Package, FREE IM-Home® Demo Unit*
IM Pro Universe Rehab Package – 150 Hrs Preloaded Includes:
IM Pro MCU, 150 Hrs, Wireless Button Trigger (2), Wireless Tap Mat (2), USB Cable, Headphones (2), Large Hand Glove (2), Small Hand Glove(2), In-Motion® Trigger Transmitter (2), In-Motion® Insoles (10), Wireless Headphone, Portable Speaker, Dell® Notebook Computer, CR2032 Coin Battery (6), Y-Connector, IM Pro 9.0 Software Download, Market Package, IM Certification Course (10), FREE IM-Home® Demo Unit*
For more information on our In-Motion® triggers, please click here.
In-Motion Trigger Set Includes:
In-Motion Trigger Transmitter (2 – Left and Right), Insoles (10), Wireless Headphones, Portable Speaker, CR2032 Coin Battery (2), Software Download
For more information on our IM-Home®, please click here.
IM-Home Wired Resale Unit
Includes: IM-Home 3.0 MCU, Wired Button Trigger, Wired Tap Mat, USB Cable, Y Connector, Headphones, Large and Small Hand Glove, IM-Home 3.0 Software and License Fee.
IM-Home Wireless Unit (Demo* and Resale options available)
Includes: IM-Home 3.0 MCU, Wireless Button Trigger, Wireless Tap Mat, USB Cable, Headphones, Large and Small Hand Glove, IM-Home 3.0 Software and License Fee, FREE gift.
*Demo unit is not for resale. Demo unit is to be used in clinic for demonstration purposes only. The included IM-Home license is not transferrable.
Small Glove
Large Glove
In-Motion® Strap
Mini Heaphone
Carrying Case

If in stock 3-5 DAYS DELIVERY

“Paul was thrilled with the outcome”
First off, Paul and I owe you an apology for not emailing you back to tell you how well he is doing. Paul did not want to email you anything until he received his test results…

“Paul was thrilled with the outcome”
First off, Paul and I owe you an apology for not emailing you back to tell you how well he is doing. Paul did not want to email you anything until he received his test results…and then other things got in the way…he still has you on his ‘to do’ list!!!
As you will recall, Paul had taken the Michigan Teaching Entrance Exam prior to therapy last spring and failed all three sections…multiple choice reading and math sections and freestyle essay response to a random question. One month after the therapy Paul retook the test and passed two sections (math and reading–YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!). He spent over 6 hours taking the exam and, as he described it, his brain was toast so he did not feel very confident about having passed the essay portion…I believe the therapy, along with his ongoing tutoring, really helped him succeed. His tutor was thrilled with the growth and development of his reading, language and writing skills after his reading therapy. Paul walking out of the test with confidence, feeling he did well, is another testament to how much therapy has helped him. Paul re–took the writing portion of the test in October. He and his tutor gambled that the essay question would be a personal reflection so they focused all their tutor sessions crafting a well written, multi-purpose response. However, when he re–took the exam the essay question was TOTALLY unrelated…His tutor and I had serious doubts that he succeeded so he registered for a retake in November–but he PASSED the October test!!!! Again, I believe the therapy he received was critical to his success. He had to formulate a response to a question he had never seen before–the essay response is evaluated for response, content, grammar, structure, language usage etc. This has always been a HUGE challenge for Paul–processing and understanding the question then formulating a point of view, supporting each point, staying on topic, using appropriate verbiage, punctuation and proper sentence structure. Needless to say–Paul was thrilled with the outcome and ecstatic that he did not have to retake the exam again.
Paul started at Eastern Michigan University in the Fall. He started slow with 9 credits but is doing exceeding well, getting A’s and B’s. Now that he has passed the teaching entrance exam he can officially be admitted to the college of education to pursue his degree in elementary special education–cognitive impairment. Next semester he will take 12 credits. He still has to work hard and I work with him to edit his papers etc. but he is more independent, his writing is more succinct and coherent and he has a lot more confidence. He is not as totally independent and self- sufficient nor as mature as most 22-yr old guys would be, but I see continued growth and development.
Thanks Maude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Connie – November, 2009